Vision 50

Vision 50 began as a prayer through the Covid shutdowns of early 2020. People had been cautious, some uncertain or fearful. Simultaneously, we were also nearing the end of our 2020 Vision to retool the facilities for hospitality. Given the peculiar situation we were in, the prayer was simple, “God what is next.”


Double Disciples

Double the amount of those intentionally growing in knowledge and love for the Lord. Double in groups, prayers, and classes.


Double Servants

80% serving monthly


Double Leaders

Nurture a leadership culture and delegate responsibility. Double leadership roles.


Double Missions

Double the missions budget and missions activity. Church wide missions opportunities.


Double Outreach

Double the budget and ministry activity outside the church walls.


Double Ministry

Double the budget and ministry activity inside the church walls


Double Love

Double revelation and participation in the intra-trinitarian love of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Transformed by and transforming the world with it.

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