Build The Future



In February 2022, we posed a straightforward yet thought-provoking question to ignite both creativity and faith: “What is the next big thing that God is calling us to do?”

The whiteboard in the annex was full of inspiring responses. Consequently, on April 1, 2022, the Elders and their wives congregated for a dedicated time to pray and discus. Our intention was to delve into these responses and attune ourselves to the voice of the Lord. We wanted to discern what the Lord was speaking.

In the end, what seemed good to us and the Holy Spirit was a two-pronged next-step approach to the “next big thing.”

  1. Steward to sustain
  2. Build for the future
Starts with stewarding

Initially, we recognized the untapped potential of our facilities. The guidance we received was to steward and give attention to what God has already blessed us with. Consequently, we’ve already undertaken some essential improvements. For instance, we’ve wired our shelter house for electricity, added a light over the volleyball court, revamped our exterior landscaping to mirror the welcoming atmosphere within the building, and we are beginning to remodel the children’s ministry wing!

Simultaneously, we’ve felt a compelling call to build for the future, a sentiment that resonated strongly among us all. This idea dominated the whiteboard responses and our discussions. Build for the future encompasses two vital projects.

Then begins building

Firstly, we’re determined to alleviate the bottleneck and congestion often experienced at the north annex entrance. The simultaneous influx of families checking in children and worshippers entering from the north parking lot leads to a congested annex breezeway. Our plan involves extending the existing annex walls and roof line to connect with the main church building. This expansion will substantially increase the entrance space, enabling us to establish a new child check-in station, new entrances for the nursery and Potter’s Kids, and a dedicated children’s ministry office.

Second, our youth and college-aged ministries need a dedicated home. Over the span of eighteen years, we’ve been acutely aware of the necessity for a space they can truly call their own. The current “sanctuary” within the gym is frequently dismantled to accommodate various church functions and sports events. Our youth group is growing — both in numbers and in their love for the Lord. Movement, our young adult ministry, is seeing 30-40 college-aged individuals every Tuesday night!

Our plan involves the construction of a 50×60 area adjoining the gym’s southeast corner. This space will incorporate a generously sized patio for outdoor gatherings. It will give direct access to the gym as well as convenient entry from the south parking lot.

It is time

It has become evident that the time has arrived to take a step of faith. It’s time to make a substantial investment in the younger generation!  

This visionary pursuit to Build the Future has an initial budget of one million dollars. While this might seem like a substantial figure to some, it pales in comparison to the abundance of our God. Our faithful Lord has already blessed us, and we have earmarked $421,157 towards this endeavor, nearing half of our funding goal.

You might be contemplating how we can achieve the remaining $578,843. By embracing one opportunity at a time. I firmly believe that the Lord will astonish us by bringing forth Kingdom-minded benefactors and generosity from sources we might not have anticipated. I am excited to unveil the upcoming opportunity that we can collectively pray about.

Build a matching fund

A New Life family enthusiastic for this vision, has graciously initiated a matching fund challenge with a $5000 gift! This seed gift to build a matching fund has stirred our hearts with faith. We trust God is already prompting others to join. I am fervently praying and believing that more will rise, enabling us to achieve an incredible $25,000 or more in matching funds! This will undoubtedly ignite a contagious faith within our body!

On the October 1, Anniversary Service, we will present a chance for all of us to selflessly contribute towards building a future, believing to match that $25,000 or greater!

I challenge us all to take time in prayer, seeking the Lord’s guidance on how you could participate in a special Anniversary Offering to Build the Future on October 1, 2023. Join me in bringing your best gift to our future generations!

Should you wish to contribute at any point, you can do so by specifying “Project” in the memo line of a check, selecting “Project” when making an online donation, or texting “($ amount) project” to 84321. For instance, you could text “50 project” to 84321. Additionally, if you feel God is asking you to participate in a matching fund, please email me by hitting the button below.

Let’s unite in faith as we march onward together!

Give To Build The Future

Click to be directed to a secure page to give to our Build The Future fund and help us bring this vision to life!

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